Friday 3 July 2020


It's quite good not being locked into 'regular' TV viewing. For years now, ever since we came back from living overseas we haven't hooked up our television to SKY or any sort of fixed viewing platform. We just use the TV via internet meaning that the things we watch are from Netflix, Lightbox, On-demand TV, YouTube and other sites. It means that we can chop and change freely and are not locked into schedules that don't suit us. It also means that we can have the television turned off most of the time so that it doesn't become background noise.

This evening I found, on YouTube  a very interesting video on 10 CC's making of one of their great songs. I particularly want to share this with Robert who enjoys creating music at home, using computer based programmes and I think that he'll find it quite enlightening. I also wish to bring it to Robert's attention because some time ago, on The Music Curmudgeon's blog, Robert wasn't exactly in favour of 10 CC eliciting Richard into saying of his comment "Well, that sort of killed those beautiful lyrics."



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