Monday 31 August 2020


I've mentioned in past blog posts how Richard's Bass Bag is a shadow of its past self (most recently on 22 August 2020).
This blog was once powerful influential leading OK and, believe it or not was the catalyst for the creation of the Wine Guy and The Curmudgeon blogs. Who would have thought?

Unfortunately Richard's Bass Bag posts slipped in both frequency and quality. There were a couple of disasters that accelerated the decline.

The first was unforeseen and resulted from an attack from Richard's fellow educationalists - people who were looking for an excuse to bring him down. They, being jealous of the reputation (among other educationalists) of the blog engineered a situation where Richard deleted his blog. This meant that many years of excellent (and to be fair, also a lot of crap) posts disappeared.

The second (and remember that word as it is prescient) disaster was when Richard himself, with seemingly no external forces operating deleted his blog for a 'second' time!
Why?  Well, obviously the quality, frequency, relevance and importance had already declined at this stage but - given that he regretted deleting the blog the first time - why would he do it again?

Perhaps Shakespeare's King Lear could help us in this investigation. Maybe Robert - A CLOSE RELATIVE OF RICHARD - who is also known to go by the name of SECOND! - had a 'Lear family' influence on Richard, convincing the old fellow that he was going mad and to destroy his works and give up his realm. It was Robert after all who suggested that Richard was going to Hell.

Anyway - what's done is done. Richard's Bass Bags 1 and 2 are no more and the blogging world now has a failing Richard's Bass Bag 3. No one really bothers to read it and, given the spelling, grammatical and factual errors in recent posts, neither does Richard!

In a last ditch attempt to restore some semblance of credibility poor old Richard has blundered stumbled on a Trumpian tactic of trying to bolster readership by inflating readership statistics. He does this by writing his own comments to his own posts to make it appear that there is a lot of interest in Richard's Bass Bag 3. FAKE NEWS! - and, poorly executed as most of those comments merely state the ascending number of the comments.

Sad really.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

His blogs were a bit long though! Just saying.

Richard (of RBB) said...

"and, poorly executed as most of those comments merely state the ascending number of the comments."
I was just trying to keep things short for Robert.