Monday 6 March 2017


The Old Girl is still away (in Baltimore and Washington this week) and then, once she gets back to New Zild on Saturday will spend the week in Auckland before coming up here.

This gives me a fortnight to get the house in order. I've been a bit slack recently in regards to housework and really need to get things sorted.
I hate vacuuming and prefer to take a broom to the carpet instead.

I'm thinking though of hiring one of those carpet cleaning machines that you get from supermarkets.

The weather is great at the moment - sunny and warm which will be essential for drying out the carpets once I've shampooed them. Murphy's (Sod's) Law though dictates that as soon as I hire the machine we'll get 40 days and nights of rain.

I wonder if Robert has some sport of special prayer that he could say on my behalf (since I don't subscribe to this mumbo-jumbo). My mother used to put a holy statue - St Joseph I think - in the garden the night before a wedding to ensure that the weather would be good.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Ok let's not panic. You still have a fortnight. Sue and I are free this weekend. Fly us up and back and we'll have the carpets vacuumed (you do have a vacuum cleaner?). Kitchen wiped down, toilets spotless etc.
Seriously though, don't hire one of those machines unless all you want to clean are a few rugs. Even then they will not remove serious stains. They are useless for carpet. If your rug has a few stains one of those top end spray bottles that you apply and vacuum out are better.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

...Cavalier Bremworth Carpet Stain Remover For Dry Stains.


Thanks for that. I'll follow your advice.

What about the prayers and the St Joseph statue?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I don't pray anymore. Just put myself in His presence and listen. The statue might look nice in front of the mountain feature in your back yard.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm too upset about the rise in age of superannuation. By 2037 you'll have to be 67 to get it!


I imagine that when you are 67 you won't be getting 'it'.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Hugh Heffner still gets it.