Tuesday, 11 October 2011


..... Fuck! I'm bloody sick of it. Idiots who confuse Mathematics with Arithmetic.

Here is a simple distinction stolen from Mathmedia Educational software ....

a·rith·me·tic(1) the branch of mathematics that deals with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division,(2) the use of numbers in calculations 

math·e·mat·ics(1) the study of the relationships among numbers, shapes, and quantities,(2) it uses signs, symbols, and proofs and includes arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry.

.... which is OK but it defers to the American belief that arithmetic is a branch of mathematics. Admittedly mathematics requires an understanding of the principles of arithmetic but arithmetic does not need mathematics in order to exist in logic.

I get really annoyed at hearing that American expression 'Do the math" when they really mean add up or arithmetic.
Tonight on Target  on TV 3 the silly bint who fronts it, when referring to the inability of a shop assistant to subtract some numbers said " It's simple maths really". Well, really!

1 comment:

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Nice to see that your ranting skills have not atrophied through lack of use. Completely agrre BTW, about Maths and Arithmetic.