Monday 29 April 2019


We're off to Napier for a week to stay in The Old Girl's cousin's house - the one we spent the Christmas before last in. The cousin and her husband are trekking in Nepal and we will be keeping an eye on The Old Girl's aunt who is in a care facility nearby. Our duties will be bringing her to the house for an hour or so to watch her favourite TV shows and to take her for a drive.

It should be a good week although I doubt if we'll be enthusiastic about using the swimming pool given that it'll be a few degrees cooler than it was when we were there in a summer season.

I'll take my iPad with me but won't be able to post blog posts the way I can with the desk-top computer. This will mean that Richard will have to step up and do a lot more posting as he's been a bit slack in this regard recently.

Failing that the blogging community will have to rely on Robert ......

 ...... or maybe not.

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Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Thanks for the heads up.
No problem in covering; have a blessed journey!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Richard's Bass Bag* will continue to amaze. Relax and enjoy your trip.

* the original bass bagging site


Well it is a bit like being in a maze when reading it - I'll grant you that.