Wednesday 4 November 2020


 The Irascible Old Bastard was right. I have been too nice lately and, when you are nice people shit all over you.

I was walking back from the Zoo to town early this afternoon and felt a bit faint. Last week I had an AF spike and felt similar symptoms of high pulse and heart flutter. As I was walking past Wellington Hospital at the time I decided to pop in to the Emergency Department to see if it was possible for someone to take my blood pressure reading (they have machines that can do this in abundance).

It was 1.30 PM so not a busy time for ED activity and no-one other than me was going in. They have set up a screening centre in a prefab to, I guess, discourage mass walk-ins to the emergency areas.

There were two young women in blue nurse-type uniforms who were manning a desk and a 50ish and overweight pakeha guy in a security uniform. He was busy inhaling some McDonald's product with chips. There were no 'customers' there.

The women asked me what my emergency was and I told them that I felt my heart pressure and AF was spiking and was it possible to have my blood pressure measured. I might as well have asked for a heart transplant on the spot for all the comprehension and response I received.

"Do you want to see a doctor?" one of them asked.

"I want to get a quick BP measurement and, if it is abnormally high then I would need to see a doctor. No need to bother one first up." I replied

"Well we are an emergency department" the other one said.

At this point the fat fuck with the burger and chips chimed in.

"Is it an emergency?" he asked.

"It will be if I fall over and die." I responded.

"Well we all fall over and die at some stage." said this moron who thought he was a comedian.

One of the 'nurses' was asking me for my name to fill in a form which didn't seem to make sense as they weren't going to oblige me so I said "forget it. Great service you offer here" and I walked out.

You know when, after you've left a place, you then think of a retort you should have made? Well, when the fat security guy said to me "well we all fall over and die at some stage" I should have said:

"There's some consolation in knowing that you'll go first then, the way you're stuffing that shit in your gob mate."

I was pissed off with this. I've been a great supporter of the New Zealand hospital system having had brilliant treatment in Whangarei and Auckland at various times after which I've written in letters of compliment. My sister and brother-in-law both work in the system in Auckland and The Old Girls cousin runs the critical care unit in Hastings.

I checked out Wellington Hospital's website before writing this post and read this bit of nonsense in the 'About Us' tab.

  Our vision

   Keeping our community healthy and well. 
  Our values
  Manaakitanga – Respect, caring, kindness
  Kotahitanga – Connection, unity, equity
  Rangatiratanga – Autonomy, integrity, excellence

Yeah right! 

I'll be writing a letter to Wellington Hospital soon but it won't be complimentary. 


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Personally I think we need to respect the protocol of Hospitals. See your doctor first, if that is not possible call an ambulance. Quite frankly to pop into an emergency ward and demand a check up; I think you were lucky they didn't put you in a van and zip you across to the Mental Health Unit.


You totally miss the context in this but hey, I'm used to that with your reading and comprehension.

You'd be better off brushing up on that transubstantiation bullshit.


1. The ED wasn't busy.
2. I was walking past the place when I felt unwell.
3. I don't have a doctor in Wellington.
4. It would make no sense to get an ambulance to pick me up from right outside the hospital.
5. The service was inefficient, unprofessional and downright rude.
6. I have, for many years been a contributor to this system via my taxes including when I was taxed at 66% of my income.
7. For nearly 40 years I have paid for private health insurance as a deliberate personal endeavour to keep pressure off the public system.

I find Robert, your 'holier-than-thou' attitude to be offensive.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Very sorry to hear about your experience. Hope you are feeling better. I have B P machine. Unfortunately working tomorrow but I could come in Friday and bring it. Actually, chemists have them. Really sorry about your experience.


Thanks Richard.
I'm back to normal now - should be oK. I'm checking out Apple Watches.
Looking forward to catching up on Saturday.



I was going to shout Robert a Murphy's stout ($13) but I think I'll change that to a "beer too boot." instead seeing that he expressed interest in this earlier.

Richard (of RBB) said...

You take care.


Ha, ha. I recounted this story to Lynn tonight when she got back from work and she kept interrupting me with responses that she would have said that were almost exactly what I said and thought. If she had been with me I would have feared for the damage to the fat fuck security guy's balls.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Ha ha!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Might be time for another post.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes Richard, it's time for another post!


Like you guys are into regular posting.