Saturday 10 February 2024



I went down to the end of our road to this 'garage sale' this morning.

I was looking for a drill - one with a cord. We have cordless ones but I find these to be impractical. The battery is invariably flat when I want to use them and they don't have enough power to drill through hard materials like concrete, railway sleepers and metal.

I immediately found exactly what I wanted - an Ozito 560v, 280w drill driver.


I asked one of the guys behind the display table how much it was. He said to make an offer. I said I didn't have a clue but, as it was to raise money for the owner of the various tools who was going in to a retirement home I said $40. He was surprised and countered with $20 and I bought it.

Spying a large brightly coloured plastic upright toolbox I asked what was in it. He said a nail gun. I said that The Old Girl wouldn't trust me with one of those and he and the other guys cracked up. I told them that she was away so that's why I was buying the drill. They pointed to all the tools on the table and said that now was my chance to do wonderful things around the house. I declined saying that with my luck and skills I'd likely munt the house.

I'm happy with my purchase but it did make me wonder how some people obviously offer really low amounts for items that are being sold to raise money for charity. miserable buggers.

Heigh ho! I've got another week or so before The Old Girl comes home so ... no wall is safe.


Richard (of RBB) said...

A post like this will pull in the comments!

Well, you have one already!

Richard (of RBB)


Watch out for your walls.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Where's Robert the whatever he is now?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Am I talking to myself here?

Richard (of RBB) said...

No probs. I do that all the time.