Sunday 14 July 2024


Robert aka Rob Carey published a bit of Gospel nonsense today about apostles trying to squat in other people's houses and trying to package this up like it's a good thing.
See the gospel stuff here:
Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two
and gave them authority over unclean spirits.
He instructed them to take nothing for the journey
but a walking stick—
no food, no sack, no money in their belts.
They were, however, to wear sandals
but not a second tunic.

He said to them,
“Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave.
Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you,
leave there and shake the dust off your feet
in testimony against them.”
So they went off and preached repentance.
The Twelve drove out many demons,
and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.

OK, I guess that went unnoticed and uncommented on for generations but, if you look at the strange story from a modern day perspective it's not at all nicey-nicey.


Brian and Jenny had a nice house in the suburbs that they'd saved hard for a deposit for and, after 40 years of hard work and scrimping had managed to pay off the mortgage. They were content and happy to settle down to retirement in their home.

One Sunday morning, after breakfast Jenny answered a knock at the door and discovered two scruffy-looking guys there. They were each dressed in a shapeless woollen tunic, wearing sandals and each carried a walking stick which she considered odd as neither appeared to be old nor infirm.

JENNY: Can I help you.

FIRST GUY: Yeah, nah, umm - can we come in?

JENNY: No. Who are you and what do you want?

SECOND GUY: Look lady, it's cold out here and we only have the one tunic each. Let us in or we'll ...
The two scruffy guys didn't wait for an answer but instead barged in past Jenny and  made themselves comfortable in the lounge.

FIRST GUY: Hey lady! We aint got no food and are hungry. Can you rustle us up some breakfast doll?

JENNY: (flabbergasted) B... b... but you can't just walk in like that. Brian! Brian! Come here quickly.

Brian heard Jenny calling and, grumbling (the sighs and grumbles came involuntarily now at his age as he got up out of chairs), made his way to the lounge

BRIAN: What's up Jen? Who are these guys? They look like musicians.

JENNY: No, they're worse. I think that they're Christians.

BRIAN: Oh shit!

FIRST GUY: Look, cut the crap citizens. We're cold. We're tired. And, we're hungry ... hey! Nice place you have here dudes. I think we'll stay here a while.

BRIAN: Wh ... wh... what? How long do you plan on staying arsehole?

FIRST GUY: Until we leave cunt, that's how long. Now, how about that chow?

BRIAN: You think, arsehole?

Brian produced the Glock 19 he had been holding behind his back. The Glock 19 ranks as the number one best gun for home protection. This pistol is often carried by law enforcement because of its reliable nature. It's a striker-fired, semi automatic weapon with limited recoil.

SECOND GUY: Hey dude - chill! If you're not going to welcome us or listen to what we say then it's on your head man.

The two scruffy guys got up to leave but before going shook all the dust, dirt and shit off their sandals over Jenny's nice shag-pile carpet.

BRIAN: Fuck off and don't come back 

JENNY: Oh Brian. Look at the state of the carpet. Bloody Christians.