Wednesday 10 July 2024


 No Rob Carey, not this ...

That's hummus - something entirely different.

We've seen examples of hubris in the posts of 'the others' recently but perhaps I'd better provide a definition of hubris:

Thanks Merriam Webster dictionary.

Richard (of RBB) (his descriptor alone suggests hubristic belief in his own self-proclaimed genius), the occasional blogger who has inexplicably gone on holiday for a few days made this statement on his leaving post:

You won't have to study that in much detail to spot the hubris.

I apologise to readers for subjecting you to that but it was important as an illustration and is a near perfect example of exaggerated pride and self confidence. 

Exaggerated pride and self confidence paradoxically shows up in the actions and writings of christians. High and mighty, 'better-than-thou' Christians congregate in church on Sundays. Many act as if they somehow earned their 'salvation', not understanding that this is at odds with the teachings of Jesus the prophet that they nonsensically have deified.  If Jesus was real and a good man and prophet then they give him a bad name with their arrogance. ‘Believers’ of any religion demonstrate hubris when they convince themselves of their correctness and superiority. I like this Ricky Gervais quote which demonstrates their self-importance:

OK - that was a bit of a rant but another occasional blogger who currently calls himself Rob Carey (don't ask) is a Catholic christian and bangs on about a lot of made up people and things.  Here's a link to his blog: ROB CAREY.

He uses these to underscore how he, being a believer is to be 'saved' and others who are non-believers will go to hell. 'Rob' generally wraps this up in mealy-mouthed and lovey-dovey christian speak which comes across as passive aggressive. Here's an example from a post of his on the 1st of July:

"As I sit here I muse on the importance of forgiveness. There won't be bad feelings in heaven. Probably lots of angry resentful people in hell though.
They say the best way to overcome resentment is to pray for that person. I find that works. No one says "I hate you but wish you all the best" and means it."
Hubristic? Damned right it is.


Richard (of RBB) said...

No worries.


I wonder what they say in New Plymout?

Richard (of RBB) said...



It looks like I hit that nerve.