Thursday 22 August 2024


 Robert's blog is soon to go again.

I know, I know, this is a fairly regular occurrence with him but this time he say's that he's had it with blogging and is off to Facebook instead.

This blog has been corrupted. Whether it's Google or me I'm not sure. I'm sick of it.

All future posts will be here on my Facebook page.

        - Robert 22 August 2024 

I wonder what Google Blogger can do to attract him back?

That might work but, being a Christian and, even worse, a Catholic, Robert can be a bit stubborn.

Google should be aware through Robert's previous blogging that he has a 'thing' for the Virgin Mary. Maybe they should send him some spicier images to entice him back.

"I love you Robert"

I guess that it's appropriate here to insert an older comment of Robert's relating to a previous post on my blog:

... speaking satanic, this cartoon is apt:


Richard (of RBB) said...

But, more importantly, your readership is down to 1.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Still, I suppose it could get worse.
It could get down to 1/2.

Anonymous said...

Well, your wit fits the bill.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Don't be like that. I'm your only regular reader now. Roberto has to be very careful because The Spanish Inquisition is onto him.