Thursday 22 August 2024


 My god!

Well, my personal one, not Robert's, I just watched Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Conference and ... I was gobsmacked. Wow! If you haven't seen it yet you owe it to yourself to watch it here:

This will go down in history as among the greatest of American speeches.

As you know, I'm a great supporter of Kamala Harris and picked her years ago as being the best prospect for POTUS (President of USA) but to be honest that was because she was my second choice to Michelle Obama who had declared that she would never run for the position. With her speech she would be a shoo-in.

Anyway, I'm very happy with the way things are working out. Kamala, with the Obama's support and with her particular ethnic background (African American by way of Jamaica and Indian) will bring in many, many millions of votes. These votes may well be largely 'new' votes given that the demographics largely didn't bother voting in the past seeing it as a 'white man's game'. She will also bring in many swing voters, particularly if that fool Robert F. Kennedy Junior drops out.

There's quite a groundswell in USA that is nudging the very strong Republican base. It's also giving confidence to the rest of the world, something that is much needed in our troubled times. Another Trump presidency was looking like a distinct prospect a few months ago. This would have the effect of enabling and emboldening dictators like Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and others. With luck this will not happen now.

Oh, in case you also missed it, Barack Obama's follow-on speech after Michelle's is a doozy as well.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Great stuff! Fingers crossed.