Monday 12 August 2024


 I'm back from Dunedin and t appears that it's a good thing that I didn't leave it too long.

Things have gone weird around the blog community in my absence. It's a bit like when you leave a house unoccupied and before long squatters, down-at-heels and bums move in and make a mess of things.

Over on Richard's blog a whole heap of his supposedly redundant alter egos have resurfaced - like Angry Jesus, Akish and RBB 2 and RBB3. These are like when you fossick in the back of the wardrobe and find those old shoes you haven't worn for a long time. You try them on forgetting that they are uncomfortable and have holes in the soles. Frankly Richard (not a new alter ego) doesn't need these guys. His blogging is bad enough without them.

Over on Robert's blog which  showed promise when it was temporarily deleted, Robert has been banging on about going to Mass and seeing and talking to angels. Nothing new there really. Maybe he needs help from some of Richard's squatters, down-at-heels and bums. Bums on seats would help attendance at Mass.

Oh well, now I'm back I can tell you about my Dunedin trip in the following posts.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Please proofread your first sentence.


Yeah, I did notice it after I'd posted but decided to leave it so as to give you something to moan about.