Friday, 30 August 2024


 No, not this excellent TV series on Evelyn Warre's novel...

... although the themes of cultural confusion, moral disorientation and social bedlam might well apply to the subject of this post - Richard (of RBB).

I've been watching, with some concern, the old guy's confusion, disorientation and bedlam and it seems that since attaining the ripe old age of 72 he's just getting worse.

His posting is slipping, like him into his dotage, to pithy reminiscences and daily activities like trying to find things like his socks, underpants and rosin wax. He'd be better off trying to find his wits and his marbles but I suspect that they've rolled out of reach.

An example of his confusion can be seen in his latest post:


You'll see, if you read it, that he's now confusing the months of the year having moved on from forgetting what day it is. He thinks that August is September! Not long from now he'll get his years mixed up and even his millennia. It's sad really.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Oops! Sorry Brent, I did mean July.