Tuesday, 20 August 2024


 * The more observant reader will notice that I've spelled 'back' correctly unlike that old, and I mean old, and inconsistent grammar Nazi from down south.

Not this woman

Everything is generally good around the house:

  • No deck furniture blew over in the storms.
  • No obvious leaks under the house.
  • The rear fence has been completed. Posts (see what I did there?) to follow soon.
  • The fridge wasn't working properly but turning it off and then on again after 5 minutes seems to have worked.
It not being my birthday today and tomorrow no-one has given me any presents and there won't be a cream covered pavlova to gorge on.
I might buy myself a treat though when I go shopping today.

Well, that's all really. I'll photograph the new fence for you and post on it later in the day. That'll give you something to look forward to.


Rob said...

Another one that is back. I'm back from work! Whoever invented the hard reboot deserves a pulitzer prize.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I scratched my back.