I took a heap of reading material in case there was a long wait but I'm pleased to say that I was seen quite quickly. This was White Cross in Whangarei and the service was excellent.
As usual with getting older the doctor looked to be about 13 but she was capable and carefully looked over my multiple injury points - foot, ankle and knee. There were no obvious breaks although there is likelihood of bone chips in my ankle. Sprains were diagnosed with the proviso that if the swelling and pain continues for more than a few days then I'll have to get x-rays. I've got compression bandages from knee to toes so look like a partial mummy at the moment.

The pain isn't as bad as it was yesterday but they've given me more Naproxen to take.
Getting around is still a bit of a pain but The Old Girl is going to bring up the crutches tomorrow which will help.
Oh, by the way. I've had to cancel my Thursday tennis today. Bummer.
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