* Well, not dead - more like abdicated.
Robert, although not known for his observational abilities (he believes in Creationism and thinks that the earth is flat) noticed that Richard's Bass Bag was defunct and, like a flea abandoning a dead dog decided to stop reading and commenting on Richard's Bass Bag blog and to use Richard's Bass Bag 2 instead.
In apparent proof of the demise of Richard's Bass Bag, Richard himself admitted that Richard's Bass Bag 2 was taking over and began actively soliciting readership.
Robert, when challenged about the support or otherwise he gets from his wife for his blogging said -
Which is a convoluted way of saying that she doesn't like him blogging at all since he only ever blogs about religion and he invariably offends people.
What a funny old world this blogging is.
Here's wishing well to Richard's Bass Bag 2 and R.I.P.
Richard's Bass Bag .