Saturday 15 December 2018


We own an old house. It's a villa built originally in 1910. It has high ceilings, sash windows and lots of nooks and crannies. It attracts spiders. The spiders build little webs in mostly high and hard to get corners like in the hallway.

The Old Girl is always telling me to use the extendible duster when I'm doing the cleaning so that I can clear out the corners in the ceiling. Now I like a tidy house even if she and I differ in our interpretations of cleanliness and so I try to oblige. I don't like to do any harm to spiders though.
This isn't to say that I don't harbour any ill-will to some of them. See : SPIDER

There are other insects that I don't like also especially cockroaches, fleas, mosquitos, wasps and flies and every now and then I set off a couple of those insect bombs in the house (hoping that the spiders who live high up can get away from the spray).

This morning while making a cup of tea I was looking at a spider who has made a web on the inside of the kitchen window.

It's halfway down the sash window so within reaching distance of The Old Girl. I've managed so far to distract her (I made her a cup of tea) but this won't last forever. I'm going to have to move this spider to the outside and the little guy will have to build his (or her) web all over again.

The things we have to do in the country.


Richard (of RBB) said...

We get lots on spiders too. Bloody cobwebs everywhere sometimes. We also try to save them. Shelley even worries about blowflies. No me though.


What? She doesn't worry about you?
Are you in danger?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Top comic wit in evidence.



Yes, those old comedic devices are great aren't they?
