Saturday 19 June 2021


 After the glorious day yesterday it pelted down with rain during the night but, surprisingly, today is sunny and bright. The lawn will be too wet to mow though - the excellent EGO battery mower doesn't like wet grass - but there are lots of other things to do.

The wild weather of a couple of weeks ago blew down branches, flax fronds and, leaves and other debris that needs clearing so it looks like a job for today.

The Old Girl isn't going to work today so no doubt she will be inspired to help with weeding and plant a few things like garlic bulbs.

I might light the fire later in the afternoon to make things cosy and will cook meatloaf and roasted vegetables for dinner after a couple of games of pool.

What are you planning?



OK - I'm stuffed.
Two hours of severe weeding at the front of the property , pulling out flax, convululus and other annoying weeds and growth has produced enough to fill the covered trailer.
I'm leaving it at the roadside until Monday when I'll fill the trailer and take it to the tip (it's too busy at the weekend). If we have a storm in the meantime and it blows away - too bad. I'm stuffed.


The lawn dried out so I mowed it.
Stuffed again.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Well done. Is stuffed chicken for dinner?

Richard (of RBB) said...

I've posted. Sorry it's late. Pissing down here.