Saturday 5 June 2021


 I had a busy day yesterday.

I went for a long walk around the bay. Here are some pics:

It was very pleasant.

Afterwards I finished loading up the trailer (no pics unfortunately) and went to the refuse centre in town.

I'm getting quite good at reversing a loaded trailer now, in between other vehicles backed up to the dumping area.

That's all really. The weather was nice but it is getting noticeably cooler. Today, if I don't light one or two of the wood-burners I'll turn on the heat pump in the lounge. We installed a couple a few months ago, paying full price for them. If we had been subsidised by our 'socialist' government we would be sure to have been thankful for the opportunity and gracious in acceptance.


Richard (of RBB) said...

The socialist government only does that for the poor people of Moera.


Average house price value in Moera is $550,400.
Given the size, location and condition of Robert's house we can assume that it is higher than that. I wouldn't describe that as 'poor'.

Richard (of RBB) said...

That was how I felt when I read his post.