Thursday 24 June 2021



It's frigging cold this morning - 10 degrees!

Well, this is cold for Northland although we have clear blue skies and sunshine. No wind fortunately so it will be nice for tennis this morning.

The Old Girl has gone out for a run before starting her working day and I'm waiting for the plumber to arrive to do a few jobs around the house. I'd turn on the heat pump in the lounge (where I'm sitting and typing) but that'd be a waste as I'll head out as soon as The Old Girl gets back.

So, what do you think about the stupidity of cross Tasman holiday weekends then? I knew that it would be a problem and cannot understand why quarantine rules aren't strongly in place. I hope that this latest event doesn't blow up but it underscores the dangers of this Covid-19 disease and the worse spin-offs and how many people are not taking it seriously. One person, who most likely had symptoms before leaving Sydney (why spend over an hour in a pharmacy on the Saturday if there wasn't some medical situation going on?), selfishly wanted a holiday so spread their germs all over the place in another country.

Anyway, how's your day shaping up?



As if I wasn't busy enough, what with tennis and all, The Old Girl wants me to make a loaf of bread and to affix a panel heater to a wall in one of the spare rooms.
When does it ever end?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Better than being at Nuova Lazio High.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Any thoughts on what Robert might have for dinner tonight?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

The holidays were always just to accommodate the wealthy. If you are making a loaf of bread would she not want a pane heater?


Very funny but leave the puns to me.

I don't know what you're banging on about with that holiday statement though.


Robert 's meal choices are a bit pedestrian so don't hold any interest for me.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Looks like you boys are having fun.