Saturday 6 November 2021




I hurt my back while I was doing my stint as builder's apprentice a couple of weeks ago. It's been so bad I needed to get my sister to write a prescription for me for muscle relaxants and pain killers. I've been on these for 11 days now (just finished) and they seem to have made a difference although I still have some nagging pain in my lower back and thighs. It's sciatica I think.

While taking the tablets I haven't consumed any alcohol - nil, nada, nothing. As I've finished the course now I'm looking forward to some wine tonight as The Old Girl put a bottle of Champagne (Roederer) in the fridge to have while we play pool.

In addition to the back pain and difficulty in walking and even sitting I've had the shakes. Normally my hands are 'as steady as a rock' but over the last couple of weeks I've had noticeable tremors. I don't know if this is due to the tablets or attributable to withdrawal symptoms from not having any wine for a while. It'll be interesting to see how I am going forward.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Take it easy old man.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I didn't post about it but Sue has had extreme reactions to painkillers over the last few days too.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Not many comments.

Anonymous said...

The Curmudgeon is on holiday.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Wouldn't it be more correct to say "I am on holiday and my device only lets me post in the anonymous mode while on this excursion"?