Saturday 23 December 2023


 Here's an early peek at tomorrow's conundrum because Robert will be busy attending activities of Mass instruction and Richard will be taking his guest Antonio on his famous Richard's Bass Bag tours. I wonder if Richard told Antonio about The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ Tours?

The inaugural Sunday Conundrum posted last week had a mixed result. One entrant admitted failure and the other, who kind of solved it still hasn't forwarded his GOOGLE search history for the adjudicators to inspect. Well done the blogger who admitted defeat. If there is a Heaven then there will be a place for you reserved. You can quote this reference number for your seat on entry: #117,000,000,0027.

This week, due to the (at best) 50% success rate I've decided to make the conundrum simpler and give you 5 chances. The entrant with the most answers correct will be the winner.

Good luck:

Conundrum number 1.

What can't be used until it is broken?

Conundrum number 2.

What has six faces and twenty one eyes?

Conundrum number 3.

What's always running but never gets hot?

Conundrum number 4.

What disappears the moment you say it's name?

Conundrum number 5.

What's green and white and lies facing North?

These are easy riddles and will pose no problems for readers. They will be easy to solve and of course the answers can be searched on the internet but remember - you are on your honour. See in this Ivor Cutler story:

 The winner may receive further Ivor Cutler stories that will stimulate your memory particularly if you were brought up in a Scottish household.



Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

1. An egg
2.A dice
3. A supercooled magnet
4. Help


Two out of five isn’t bad Second which means at this point you’re first in this competition.


You are still first Second.
In fairness to all of the other readers we'll give Richard another day or so to get his entry in.