Friday 29 December 2023



Men who live with women know that, from time to time, their partner makes them feel guilty.

Whether from forgetfulness or obtuseness, most men haven't a clue what they should be feeling guilty for and sometimes they are totally innocent.

Do women when they are young, get taught this ability from the matriarch? I can picture several generations of women instructing the young girls about the foibles of the male of the species and how best to exploit them.

The other day The Old Girl berated me for some misdeed that for the life of me I couldn't recall doing.

As it turned out, after a while the thing I was supposed to have done was shown not to have been done by me.

"Are you going to say sorry" I asked.

"No" she replied "that can account for the next time you do something that I don't know about".

Well, how do you deal with that?


Richard (of RBB) said...

Sounds easier than spending two weeks with Mr. NIS. No relation to Phillip. In this case NIS stands for Nothing Is Simple.


Sartre said “Hell is other people”.

We dodged a bullet re that as the guests (2 friends of ours plus one of their parents visiting from Holland) who were supposed to arrive today for four days cancelled out because they have tested positive for Covid and are unwell.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

1."People never behave as you would expect". Italian saying.
2. 'And the two shall become one".That anger you feel and resulting guilt is really just coming from the interaction of your combined hearts.


“ … interaction of your combined hearts.”
Sounds like some nonsense you’d read in a horoscope.
Have you been reading those Barbara Cartland books again?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes, Dame Barbara. Step grandmother of Diana .Yes all 723.