Sunday 25 February 2024


It's a rainy Sunday but fortunately the cricket is on TV - T20 NZ vs Australia.

I'm sitting at the dining table typing this on the laptop as The Old Girl is working in the study. I'm set up for the afternoon and am just hoping that rain in Auckland won't stop or disrupt play. We need to win this game after losing the first two.

I have a loaf baking - a combination of wholemeal and pumpernickel (farting devil).

I guess that Richard was eating this in Marton as according to Robert he'd be using his rear to good effect on the garden tours although anyone following him wouldn't think it was funny.

The cricket score after 5 overs isn't good with Australia on 66 for 1 after a flurry of 4s and 6s and three dropped catches!

Maybe it'd be a good thing if the game was rained out ..... oops, hold on, NZ held on to a catch so it's now 67 for 2.

Oh - hold on again - it's raining and they have left the pitch.

Ho hum! I'll go and pre-prepare my pizza for dinner.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Yawn. It has been a long day. This post didn't help. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. It obviously is going to help you sleep.