Saturday 13 July 2024


*No, I'm not referring to the 3G2 class at school back in 1966. 3G was bad enough. I wouldn't inflict that on you.

Richard made a good comment on one of my recent posts. He said:

"This AI thing seems like the end of individuality."

Actually he said it twice which kind of made me think of the scene in the film Cherry 2000 when the robot malfunctioned:

Richard hits the bullseye with that comment because while it's still early days with general use of AI via ChatGPT and the Apple apps, I've already been able to pick what is computer generated and what has individuality. Robert would say that it lacks sole or, more likely his AI computer friend who is now writing his posts might correct his spelling and say that it lacks soul.

As you would correctly surmise The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ has warned of this in previous posts. See: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

In another post I said this:

AI is a very, very clever tool that we cold only dream of when we were younger, making our brains work to write school essays, work reports and drafting letters to the IRD but, like most internet things, is being debased and misused and will be 'owned' by scamsters, politicians, pornographers and ... Christians.


Richard (of RBB) said...

"AI is a very, very clever tool that we cold only dream of when we were younger..."
I'm starting to see a bit of merit in lack of proofreading.


Yes,it proves that it wasn't written by AI - and it's cold here today.