Monday 12 August 2024


 Before I start on my Dunedin trip reminiscences I'd like to give a shout out to the New Zealand Olympics team who performed outstandingly. (Robert, you no doubt believe that they wasted time faffing about that they could have put to better use praying at Mass and looking for guardian angels. They'll probably all go to Hell later but in the present, let them have their well-deserved glory). It was marvellous and I enjoyed every one of the events I watched regardless of whether a medal was won or not. The grace, humility, thankfulness and camaraderie shown by these young people was very encouraging. I hope that they continue to do well both in their sports and in their lives.

🎺 Coming soon: The Curmudgeon's Dunedin trip 🎺

1 comment:

Rob said...

Is it over already. Well done Italy (12).