Wednesday 21 August 2024


 * No. this isn't about that excellent British comedy featuring Jo Brand about a nurse in a geriatric ward. See a previous post where I mentioned this:


The British can do pathos amazingly well unlike the Americans who have to broad-brush everything because the consumer panels that they use to trial programmes, before they go to air, are populated by dullards and fuck-wits ... who actually statistically represent the average US TV viewer. These dullards and fuck-wits manage to screen out (see what I did there?) anything that is in the slightest way cerebral. TV series like Getting On and Afterlife would never get through.

This post is about ageing because two of the leading readers** of this blog have, over the last two days had birthdays and become even older.

There's nothing wrong with becoming older. The latest NZ Listener where the excellent Chris Slane cartoon so appropriately underscored the articles on ageing and the ways that we can stave off the cognitive and physical deterioration that comes with it. It is suggested that we must work at it through diet, exercise, moderation in regard to the dangerous things we imbibe and ingest and of course anything that keeps or minds working.


Yes but, as I just said .... remember? It was just two sentences above - "we must work at it". This, in the context of social media and blogging is to make an effort to write well constructed, relevant and interesting posts. If for any reason to do with health, tiredness, ennui or outright laziness this is beyond you -

“You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!”

 - Baudelaire/Eliot

- then well considered and clever comments will suffice. 

Not this:

I'll have to leave it there. Time is getting on and I have a Thai green curry chicken to cook for my dinner.

** As much as I hate to admit it there are only two regular readers and contributors to this blog so I cannot afford to alienate them even if 'leading readers' is a bit of a stretch.  'Bleeding needies' would actually be more appropriate.


Richard (of RBB) said...

"This post is about ageing because two of the leading readers** of this blog have, over the last two days had birthdays and become even older."

This one of two grammatical errors that I spotted. Can you find the other one?


I think that you're confusing me with someone who gives a fuck.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Oh, okay. There's always Viagra. Sorry to hear about that.


I think you missed the meaning of my post in the superficiality of your comments. Sorry abut that.


Never mind. I've half written a new post that you will appreciate.
I've half-written it because I'm half-pissed (three glasses of wine instead of the normal limit of two). I'll finish it tomorrow.