Sunday 18 August 2024


I'm an idiot. No, don't contradict me - I'm an idiot when it comes to booking and paying for things on-line.

Not for the first time I've bought something on-line thinking that I'm paying in New Zealand dollars and in reality it was in US dollars. Sheesh!

On Friday I looked on-line for something that The Old Girl and I could do on Saturday. A wine tour to Waipara not far from where we are staying in Christchurch came up as an option and, it being a NZ location serviced by a NZ operator I booked and paid for the two of us. All good.

It was pricey though- $196 for the two of us but, as lunch was included and a tasting visit to three wineries I thought "Why not".

As it turned  out the trip was good even if some of the wines were indifferent and we and a good look around Waipara. The coach driver was well informed and entertaining so this morning I thought I'd post a positive comment on their website. When I trawled through the emails for a 'review' link I discovered that I'd booked via Trip Adviser and that the payment was in US dollars not NZ dollars. This means that the $196 I spent thinking it to be expensive turns out to be $323 based on an exchange rate of 1.65!

I'm pissed off.

Sure, I know, I should have known better and checked before paying but I was in a rush. I was also, I thought, searching a New Zealand site selling a New Zealand service. As these c ... bastards have algorithms and calculators in their website why the hell can't they clearly show a conversion to NZ dollars? Pricks!

I'm going to be more careful in future ... sort of.


Anonymous said...

Did you have to pay separately for the wine and food? Still I sympathize, I've been caught out with smaller items. Online media subscriptions were like that but I've noticed they've improved, using our dollars.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I've talked to Catholics who tell me I'm going to Hell. That's worse. Imagine me telling a Catholic that, if he didn't give up the silly fantasy, I was going to cut his balls off!

Richard (of RBB)

Richard (of RBB) said...

Still better than the cruel threat of eternal damnation.


So, it's preying on your mind then?

Say after me:
"Our father who farts in heaven ..."