Monday 5 August 2024



I'm off to Christchurch today to meet up with The Old Girl.

Usually I leave at the last minute but today, as I'm taking a check-in bag I need to be at the airport a bit earlier. I don't fancy having to drive like a rally driver  as we've had a lot of road works on the road into town and, with the big storm of the last few days there may have been slips on the road.

The people at the check-in at our airport are inflexible. The rules state that the check-in closes 30 minutes before the flight. I've seen people before being turned away because they got there 29 minutes before the flight or, because some inconsiderate traveller at the front of the queue (usually American) held things up with endless questions and faffing about. This, in a small airport, when you could throw your bag to the plane from the check-in desk! I'll play it safe and make sure that I've got at least 15 minutes in hand.

Regular blog readers will be pleased to know that I'm taking the lap-top computer with me. This means that I'll be able to keep you posted with daily blog posts. No need to thank me.

It's quiet on the blogs this morning which, I guess is how Londoners in the Blitz felt when weather conditions precluded German bombers operating. You won't be getting a daily sermon from Robert or find out how Richard's fish buddy is doing. Never mind eh.