Saturday 24 August 2024


 I know that you readers have been waiting to hear about the progress of my woodshed conversion to toolshed - after all, what's the alternative on the blogs?

Today I finished clearing out the firewood scraps and debris and have made room for the garden tools. I can even get the wheelbarrow in there now.

Well, I'm happy.

I've loaded up the trailer and next week will take the rubbish to the tip (Re-Sort recycling station).

I'd go tomorrow but, it being a Sunday there will be no end of home-gardener guys trying to reverse their trailers up to the edge of the tipping pit. It'll be a nightmare.

I'll go when it's quieter. I'm OK with reversing a trailer but, like peeing at a urinal or teeing off at golf I prefer to do it without too many people about.


Richard (of RBB) said...

What a fantastic post!
This is what we need more of!
A series?
Could it be adapted for TV?
I just can't wait for the part where the rubbish goes to the tip!
Did any outside furniture get knocked over?
Any pregnant waitresses involved?
What a cracker!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Oops, I said it twice, but it's warranted.
An exceptional post!


Thank you. While I hadn't planned on a follow up post or two .... maybe several, this endorsement is encouraging.
The double affirmation is, while I'm embarrassed to say, rather stimulating.
I accept.
Tomorrow I'll get cracking and write some more.
Thanks Richard of Richard's Bass Bag which, I'm reliably informed of, is the original bass bagging blog.

Rob said...

I agree. Especially when the back of the car is full of rubbish too. Am I allowed to say rubbish?


Of course you are. Why change your blogging behaviour now?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Get that trailer to the tip, you lazy old bugger.