Friday 14 October 2011


The Old Girl asked me to cut a path through the grass to the washing line the other day

I took that as a not so subtle hint to do the lawn grass weeds around the property. I started to run out of excuses like "but the weedeater has no cutting lines", "there is no petrol" and even a plea that the daily blogs have to be attended to fell on deaf ears.

"Sorry, can't stop, I've got to get my posts done"
Having left it for another week today I had no excuse as the weather brightened up after a few weeks of wind and rain. I got out the weedeater (full of petrol and cutting lines) and set to. Now cutting lawns grass weeds that are nearly knee high with a hand held weedeeater is bloody hard work. After an hour and a half of this I felt as if I had St Vitus Dance. Going inside (because mercifully it started to rain again), when I made a cup of coffee I could hardly hold it without spilling it as the muscles in my hands and arms were jumping.

Even typing this now is difficult. It reminds me of when I was young and on a building site operating a kanga hammer (pneumatic drill).


Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

To alleviate the boredom of the job, try:
1. Drink before cutting
2. Get an audiobook on headphones under the earmuffs
3. Drink during cutting
4. Press the vibrating and shuddering weedeater to more enjoyable parts of your anatomy.
5. Drink after cutting.

Works for me.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I might need to ring 'The Old Girl' because I think she should be cracking the whip more. I think you're wasting too much time on that golg nonsense.
But Second could be wrong.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Oops, 'golg' should have been 'golf'.

Anonymous said...

I had an early finish today. The thing is to not hang around inside.
Cutting grass is your friend as TSB says. If she thinks you are out there doing something "Bob's your Uncle".