Thursday 19 July 2018


I hate to say this but in a way I sympathise with Robert and his hatred of retirees and beneficiaries and the handouts that they receive from the government - interpreted by him as coming directly out of his hard earned wages. Robert feels hard done by forgetting of course that in a few years he will be a retiree and beneficiary and will have his snout in the trough as well.

When I talk to The Old Girl each evening (when she's in Auckland) she asks me how my day has been and I recount my experiences of walking, kayaking, golfing, playing bowls, playing badminton or playing tennis. I actually feel a bit guilty about this and feel obliged to throw in some anecdotes of doing gardening, mowing lawns, cleaning the house, doing house repairs or being involved in community projects.

Why is this?

I've worked long hours for most of my life and have held responsible positions - but I still feel guilty at now doing nothing and The Old Girl working long hours and bringing in most of the money. Admittedly she enjoys working as she has a good job that she does well and is very respected in her profession but I'm looking forward to the time that she can 'hang up her boots' and we can be a doddery old couple together.


For Robert I can happily report that although I played tennis this morning I filled in the afternoon doing more tree trimming and felling along with some gardening as it has been such a lovely day - warm and sunny with no wind. I can also report that at tennis, as I was favouring my left knee which has torn ligaments I put too much pressure on my right leg and managed to twist the ankle which is now swelling up.

I'll probably, under interrogation have to report this to The Old Girl who is still in Melbourne and who has an uncanny ability to suss out anything I've done or am up to. She will give me a bollocking for playing tennis when I have the knee injury and will feign lack of sympathy.

This hopefully will negate some of the guilty feelings.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

God! (Robert's friend) You and sport! Don't feel guilty about not working. Look at it this way - we have about 20 years left if we're (very) lucky. Might as well have a bit of fun along the way.