Sunday 22 July 2018


Good friend Richard is a great musician having made a career of it (mostly academic) but still has difficulty getting 'gigs'' and finding venues to play where people will actually pay good money to come and listen to him.

For an example of his complaint see:HERE

This isn't an isolated post as he's banged on about this many times in the past.

He is a very good musician being accomplished in playing several instruments. He has a 'band of bothers brothers' to play with:

plus his son and various other friends he gets together with to dress up as Italian fascists and recreate the early days of WW2 - don't ask.

What I think he needs is to recruit a female singer to draw the crows in like this one:



I said crows but meant crowds - sorry!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Don't you know how to edit your posts? By the way, I like the song.