Sunday 27 January 2019


Well we learn something new about Richard (of RBB) every day.
We knew that he has phobias and has admitted to many himself in a recent post that he deleted.

He's scared of cows, shoes, moths, colourful underpants, wines with labels on them, cats, heights, flying, driving over 50 kph and the catholic church but now we learn he's afraid of chickens.

It's not hard to pinpoint the source of phobias

"Phobias can be traced to specific, concrete fears that adult sufferers recognize as irrational. ... Phobia sufferers are able to pinpoint an exact object or situation that they fear. Being able to recognize the fear as irrational separates anxiety disorders from the psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia."
                                                                               - source - someone on the internet. 

With Richard it could have been a bad food experience like if he had gone to one of Robert's favourite fast food joints:

Or, it came from an early experience with an actual living chicken:

Although it's hard to understand how these sweet little things could scare anyone:

Maybe he's been listening too much to Robert and his theory that chickens have evolved from dinosaurs:

I guess that he should just face this fear head on:



I agree.
'Sirindipitus' is abhorrent.

Anyway, in a previous comment of yours on Richard's blog you said that chickens have beaks and claws like dinosaurs.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Stop squabbling on a lesser blog boys and come back to the bass bag.