Sunday 13 January 2019


I mentioned in an earlier post the problems that I have with marauding seagulls that eat the sugar bread I put out for the little birds.

I toyed with the idea of buying a shanghai or a spud gun but toying with the idea was as near as I got because old fashioned toy shops that used to sell these things are no longer around having been replaced by 'toy' departments in large format rubbish shops like The Warehouse and K-Mart. These only sell cheap plastic toys that don't suit my requirement.

The next level up is a sporting goods store that can sell BB guns, airguns and hunting slingshots that can be lethal and so are also no good. I want something that will deter the seagulls without hurting them.

While clearing away some junk today I found a hollow steel tube that was part of a foldaway wardrobe of The Old Girl's. As she's not here today she hasn't seen that I've purloined it and have been experimenting with its use as a blow gun.

I've been using almonds, peanuts and chickpeas which all work but they don't have the right size and spherical character to create a snug fit in the tube. A snug fit is essential for air pressure. The nuts will fire but they lack the necessary force. I fired at a cheeky seagull that was sitting on the deck rail, it hit it on the beak but all it did was to seem to make it angry. I need something better.

Jaffas would be ideal but I suspect that the diameter of the pipe I have is too small to accomodate a jaffa. I'll have to try other lollies.

I'll have to find one of those shops that have lots of different lollies in all shapes and sizes sold loose.

I can just imagine me going in with my tube and experimenting in the shop with different ones.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Maybe you should think electric.
We picked up an electric fly swap from the SPCA mart yesterday.
It has a little button to depress as you gently swipe the intruder and when it touches the cleverly positioned two wires it short circuits and the fly drops.
Bit like that old footage of the elephant being electrocuted!
Except it is a fly and they do not matter because they serve no purpose apart from keeping the earth free of rotten things.


That made as much sense as that catechism and creed stuff you've been banging on about.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I see you still have that big penis thing (on the right of the shot).


Do you want me to cover it with underpants?


Big black underpants.