Tuesday 29 January 2019


In my previous post I talked about the Democrat Senator Kamala Harris announcing her run for the USA 2020 presidency and my belief that she could and definitely should win it.


There will be a lot of other Democratic contenders to run against Donald Trump (if he's still there) but none of them have the WOW factor that Harris has. Leading these will be Elizabeth Warren.


Warren is a pretty good contender and has given Trump and the GOP a run for their money over the last couple of years but, if she had been running for the presidency in 2016 instead of Hillary Clinton:


....then the result would have been the same. Trump would have won.
I told you back in 2016 that Trump would win. Remember?



This isn't the first time that The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ has given you a scoop on future political events.
We told you that John Key was going to be given the boot and that Labour, led by Jacinda Ardern would triumph.




The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ has been pretty astute in it's predictions of events in the blogging world as well.

We told you that Richard (of RBB) would: travel to Italy long before that old guy even knew himself that he would do this; that he would have a falling out with Robert on both Facebook and the blogs: that he would do a lot of preparation for a gig only to find that it was cancelled; that his dynamic new blue painted house would need to be repainted to a more sensible colour; that getting older would mean that he ran the risk of going out in public wearing his slippers - and many more things.

We also told you, before they happened, that: Robert would denounce Stephen Hawking's amazing insights; that he would misspell Stephen Hawking's name; that he would delete all of his posts and blogs from time to time; that he would proselytise on the catholic church and the catechism - and many more things.

Well, how amazing is that?


Richard (of RBB) said...

"And many more things." What a great name for a blog!


Yeah, and you could match it with " ".

And Robert could do " OH GOD, NOT MORE THINGS!"

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

"Stephen Hawking's amazing insights"?
Why did not you predict Jesus Christs' amazing ability to provide love and bring Catholics back to the table of His Eucharist?

Richard (of RBB) said...

From Woodcock is standing by. Just a tiny problem of being in prison.

Richard (of RBB) said...

From = Father

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

It is not acceptable to just refer to Father Woodcock. The Pope has admitted that the Catholic church is wounded and wary. Now is the time to support the church that Jesus created!