Tuesday 27 April 2021


Richard and Robert have been debating love and friendship, with Robert using some old teachings from the catholic church to try and explain that there are different forms of love, culminating in the one where loyal followers believe in a non-existent god:

Richard, not unsurprisingly contested this and said:

 "Maybe Robert needs to be clearer about what type of love he is professing - maybe he could add a qualification.

"I love you Richard, in a brotherly way."

"I love you Richard but I'm not prepared to go to Hell with you. I'm off to Heaven."

"I love you Richard but I don't fancy you sexually."

"I love you Richard. You are my god!""

He then went on to create a grading system for love that makes a lot more sense than the Graeco-catholic one and removes the possibility for misunderstandings:

"Telling everyone that you love them can come across as being a bit creepy and maybe even water down the true value of the word. I certainly wouldn't use it with an employer or the recycling truck guy.

Maybe the points system I mentioned earlier would help to make intentions clearer?
"I love you Richard. Three."
"I love spiders. One. They're fascinating animals."
"I love my dog, but I keep it to a five because he's only going to be around for about fifteen years and, when his time comes, I'll have to get over it.""
No doubt this little debate will be ongoing - I'll watch it with interest.

Meanwhile, this snippet from the excellent Ricky Gervais series 'Afterlife; came to mind.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, that told us nothing new. It was like something you read on Stuff News about some All Black who is changing franchises or going to Japan for a few months or who criticised a ref's decision.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I really love your posts Peter. Two point five.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Glad to see you have mastered the skill of video insertion in a post.


Thanks Robert.
Maybe, one day, we might see you do the same or at least, add a picture into your blog posts.