Saturday 9 October 2021


No doubt you read on PETER'S GOLF BAG that the weather wasn't good enough for golf.

There were a couple of sunny breaks though so I took the opportunity to get up on the roof to clean out the gutters and free up the downpipes.

We have a house built on a slope so the front parts are extremely high and it's difficult and dangerous to access the gutters.

On Friday we had an incredible rainstorm with relentless sheets of rain drenching the area. The guttering on the house couldn't keep up so water was pouring off everywhere taking a good portion of my gravel driveway with it.

I set the ladder at the rear of the house where it's relatively lower and took a long handled brush and a hose with me and set about clearing away debris, lichen, dirt and mold. It took a good couple of hours but fortunately the rain held off. I wasn't able to reach the furthest corners of the roof and the high - driveway side so will have to wait until we have an extended dry spell where I know that the roofing iron will be completely dry and safer to walk on without slipping. I'll assemble a longer cleaning brush by adapting the extendible chimney cleaning brush that's in the shed.

Either that or get a Victorian era child to send off to clean the gutters.

Or I could buy some powerful cleaning agent that I can spray on.

By hanging around outside I avoided toilet cleaning duties which The Old Girl handled. Note: she didn't write any poetry to describe what she was doing. Funny that.

No violin or double bass practice was undertaken in our household.

I'm about to prepare some potato, kumara and pumpkin for roasting for dinner. The Old Girl will be preparing lamb medallions for quickly roasting and we will have that after a couple of games of pool.

How's your day going?


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

How's my day going is a lot like how are you. People only want to hear the word "Good".

Richard (of RBB) said...

'Good' is better than 'Not too bad'. I guess that the next level is 'Reasonably bad'. My day was busy but good. I fed some cats some time before 8am. Then I did some double bass practice. Then I spoke to Antonio on Skype for two hours. Then I did a little violin practice before heading down to a neighbour's place to play happy birthday. Then my son's fiancee's parents came around for lunch and I gave dad a 3 hour music lesson. Now it's time for some more bass practice. Accompanied by Chardonnay.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Bass practice done.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Off to bed shortly.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'm up again. I'll start preparing the pork belly soon for the free hour of power at 6am.