Tuesday 12 October 2021


 I dislike Facebook and worry about its power and ability to feed wrong information to billions of people.

Like many other modern day institutions however, maybe through its insidiousness it had become a 'necessary evil'. In a rural community I use Facebook to access 'Neighbourly' links to civil defence, the citizen's association, the fire volunteer force and a few other things that I need to keep in contact with. These services don't have their own blogs or web pages and instead use Neighbourly.

I haven't seen another way to access Neighbourly - if I do I will switch.

Here's what the web says about Neighbourly:
Neighbourly allows you to stay connected with your neighbours and community using a private neighbourhood website. It's a free service that is designed to make your neighbourhood a safer and better place to live. ... Alert your community to a spate of vehicle break-ins. Share a photo of a visiting dog to locate owner.

And here's what Neighbourly says about itself:
Key differences between Neighbourly and Facebook include:
Neighbourly neighbourhoods are private and information can only be accessed by members. All members must be address verified and use their real names.
On average only 2% of people’s Facebook friends will be neighbours so you will more than likely be interacting with different people.
We consider Facebook to be more about status updates and the sharing of everyday life. We believe Neighbourly will be a utility reserved for problem solving and information sharing on an “as needed” basis.
OK - moving on.

Up North we are in Level 3 for another week due to some scumbags who toured the area under false pretences, have evaded the police and been captured and have been tested to show that they are Covid positive. The locals are up in arms over this because these idiots (at least two women - maybe prostitutes) are refusing to give contact details to the police and health authorities. There are lots of 'debates' on Neighbourly which, as per usual can get pretty vitriolic.
I joined in today as you can see below:

Well, I hope you can see it - click on it to enlarge.

Ma Ri Ata wrote some incomprehensible gibberish - not unlike one of Robert's posts or blog comments - so I replied.
She came back quickly with a well-written translation of what she had previously written which I was appreciative of.
Why she didn't write properly in the beginning - which she obviously can do - is a mystery to me. I don't 'get' this text speech and the lazy and stupid way that people write on Neighbourly and Facebook (Robert just can't spell).

Maybe I'm getting old.


Richard (of RBB) said...

"Maybe I'm getting old."

Yes you're a lot older than me. You've called me a grammar Nazi in the past. This is what happens when grammar is not observed. Is that the world you want to live in?

Sorry, I should translate this to nrthspek...

Hey old knt bro you is. Me a fkn nazi for wrds? wtf! U prefer thiz? you fkd man to go for this sht.


Have you been teaching at WHS again?