Thursday 21 October 2021


 The beautiful weather of the last few days turned to shit overnight in Northland.

A violent storm blew up in the night with severe winds followed by lashing rain.

The Curmudgeon and The Old Girl were woken about 1AM by the sound of crashing and smashing. The house was shaken by high winds and the sounds of objects being tossed about was heard.

The Curmudgeon put on shoes and ventured out onto the deck in his pyjamas to discover that the old French doors and the sash window that had been removed and stacked against the front of the house had been blown down and....smashed!

An earlier pic of the doors. The window was added later

The Curmudgeon was NEARLY cut when picking up the fallen window and doors and removing them IN HIGH WINDS to the side and rear of the house.


If it hadn't been for the fact that gloves were worn an injury could have happened.

This glass MUST be removed today as soon as the rain stops.

There was other mayhem as well. Two saw stools blew over.

The weather is bad today and forecast to be bad tomorrow so no renovation work will take place.

This might be the last WORK IN PROGRESS update until next week.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Jesus! I hope the saw horses (their proper name, not saw stools) are okay!