Wednesday 20 October 2021


We have to interrupt the series on house renovation (sorry Richard) to discuss this book I've discovered.

I haven't acquired a copy yet but I'm looking forward to getting one.

I found this through 'Old School Friends New Zealand' - a Neighbourly site.

Here's a screenshot of an excerpt that Nicol published in Neighbourly

I put in a comment ....:

.... and others commented on similar school-day sins and larcenies (Robert would be shocked).

Just click on the screen shots to make the reading of them clearer.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Okay, now it's back to the windows.

I can never work out why this blog only has a readership of two.

Yes I can.


OK, now it's back to the windows.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I can not quite understand why you are so proud of selling the hosts. It's a bit like a naughty child stealing his mother's jewelry and selling it off.


No, not really.
It'd be more like taking any of my mum's cooking that failed (it never happened as she was an accomplished cook) like, say, scones that failed to rise or tasteless pikelets that were thrown in the bin, taking them to school and selling them.

Tasteless, stale and inedible food - yes. Jewellery - no.