Monday 18 October 2021


 Today the new windows and doors wee delivered and we've had the builder here all day.

The bedroom triple windows at the left are to go and be replaced by French doors.

An east-facing bedroom window is to be replaced

The second east-facing window is to be replaced

The east-facing study window is to be replaced

He's ripped out the old French doors in the kitchen, rebuilt the frames and wood beneath the sills (rotten and damaged) and fitted the new doors.

These will be glazed tomorrow (the sheer size of the two French door installations meant that transporting and fitting with double glazing in them would make them too heavy and difficult to handle. The three windows came double glazed).

Over the next week the builder will: finish the kitchen French doors, remove the bedroom front windows and install the new french doors, remove the three East facing windows and install new ones.

We have had a real 'summers day' here today making conditions ideal for this sort of work. I just hope that it lasts through the week even though showers have been forecast. Last night it bucketed down. I hope that doesn't happen tonight as the new kitchen French doors have no glass and we have fitted a tarpaulin just in case.

Removing old French doors

New doors fitted awaiting glazing

Tarpaulin overnight


Richard (of RBB) said...


The windows series returns, as does the lack of editing.

"Today the new windows and doors wee delivered and we've had the builder here all day."

The house is looking good though (or will, when it is finished).

Fix up that mistake in the first sentence please TC.


Well, apart from becoming obsessional over some very minor grammar mistakes, it seems that you liked the post. Just as well I'm thinking because there will be a daily update for, I'm calculating, today and through the rest of the week. Enjoy!


I'll leave the errors in the post to give your comment context. Every bit helps but I must admit, incomprehensibility is more Robert's 'thing'.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Look daily updates are not necessary.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Robert will love you for this post.


Surely, Robert being a good catholic, he should love me anyway. It's in the job description.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I understand you replacing the doors but will removing the beautiful sash windows bite you on the posterior?


Sorry, I meant Shirley.


The 'beautiful sash windows' are just windows and I don't think that they are dangerous other than in that the decaying wood allowing the glass to slip out of position thus letting rain and cold air in could result in pneumonia. The likelihood of attacks on our nether regions are remote.

I wrestled with this and spent a year visiting renovation and restoration yards, talking to builders, searching for bespoke carpenters and the outcome was basically fine if you live in Auckland and are extremely rich and, even if you were thee's at least a two year waiting list to get anything done.

The windows will be replaced with aluminium windows made to our specifications and the original 1910 architrave surrounds will be put back in place. The effect will still be relatively true to the 'villa look'.