Wednesday, 21 September 2022



Did I get your interest there?

For some years now - at least for a decade, I've been trying to interest Richard and Robert in the excellent John Turturro documentary on the music of Napoli - the film PASSIONE

I guess that they're getting a bit old now to be thinking of sex but this film also covers the musical history of Naples and the Neapolitan passion for food.

Tonight I'm watching the film again on YouTube. Simply access YouTube on your device (Smart TV, computer or phone) and search for Passione. The full film version is 1 hour and 28 minutes long so won't take you much past your bedtime. If that's a bit too technical for you here's a link:


This version is in Italian (Turturro speaks to us, the audience in English) so will be of particular interest to Richard. Robert should open a separate tab on his computer to do some GOOGLE translation - a third tab if he wants to translate it into Latin first).

Be careful, but enjoy.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Thanks. I'll watch it now.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Half way through. Might need to leave some until tomorrow. Lay that pistol down.

Bob said...

Thanks but I'll give it a miss.


OK Unknown.
Enjoy your Catholic podcasts.
Closed-mindedness is a thing.


Spike Milligan mentioned 'Lay that pistol down babe' a lot in his war memoirs. He was based for a while in and about Naples in 1944/45 when it was a hit. He recounts how local bands sang it as 'Lar da pisstub darn bab' or something similar.

Richard (of RBB) said...

You just made that up Rob.

Richard (of RBB) said...

You can go to hell for making stuff up.


What claptrap that is Robert.
It'd be funny except for the fact that you are serious.
What's wrong with you?