Saturday 11 February 2023


 ..... women that is.

How many times has a man done something truly amazing like emptied or loaded the dishwasher, vacuumed the carpets, changed the sheets on the bed, brought in and folded the washing - stuff like that and his wife or partner doesn't seem to notice. SHE JUST DOESN'T NOTICE!

The Old Girl arrived home today after a couple of weeks away and yesterday and this morning I did a lot of housework including cleaning the bathrooms. As a giggle I 'dressed' up the toilets:

She's been home for well over a half hour now and still hasn't been for a pee.

I'm busting for one but want to wait until she's seen my handiwork. I might have to nip outside and pee in the garden.



Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Ha, ha! A professional cleaner though would put the rubbish bin outside the door or on the seat over a little toilet paper to show that the floors had been mopped.

Richard (of RBB) said...

You poor thing!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Great effort though!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Hope you have stowed the sails, dropped anchor and battened down the hatches.