Sunday 30 June 2019


Things have been a bit slack in this little blogging community. We really need some new contributors.
Robert is still here knocking out his incomprehensible expurgations and Richard manages to squeeze out something every couple of days although his contribution is becoming more like scat (not the musical variety).  At least his last few contributions haven't featured double basses, violins or language learning. In his very latest he talks about going for a long walk uphill somewhere - I suppose it's all uphill for the poor old guy nowadays. I certainly hope that he remembers to change his slippers for walking shoes this time. He hasn't yet taken to wearing his dressing gown when out but .... give it time. No doubt Shelley will have to sew his name and address details into the collars at some stage.

The Curmudgeons Incⓒ have been a bit quiet this month due to health issues but this will be rectified in July. A new Curmudgeon will soon be launched - THE POLEMICAL CURMUDGEON whose mission will be to cause agitation and dissent stimulate political, religious and social conversation in the blogging community. * I we feel that it's time to do this given the geopolitical environment that is in turmoil from that idiot Donald Trump's prevarications, the US 2020 presidential campaign and the surprising continuation of Robert's current blog. The Curmudgeons Incⓒ announced, about a month ago, that we would cease publishing religious or, more correctly, ant-religious posts. See:


It seems that it in't that easy to get away from religion on a daily basis given that it is so bound up in national and international politics (see the resurgence of ISIS in Iraq and Syria) hence the need for a polemical approach in our blogging.

Stay tuned.

* Note: I would have included some useful information on what polemic means but others in the blogging community have criticised the insertion of copied information in my posts. Let the idiots look it up themselves if they can be arsed. If not then they can stay in the dark. Robert no doubt thinks that a polemic is someone who wears callipers on their legs and Richard that a polemic is a very skinny person named Stanislaus.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

This is great I love the idea of a Polemical Curmudgeon.

Richard (of RBB) said...

O knew a guy called Stanilaus. I hope I spelt that right.

I hope you are well, my old friend. Getting old certainly has its challenges.



As in "The Story of O"?

You shouldn't be reading stuff like that at your age - or at any age.