Monday 24 June 2019


I drive The Old Girl nuts by not listening to instructions given on everything from setting up appliances to asking for directions.

"You'll come a cropper one day Matey" she says.

This afternoon I was listening on National Radio to a skydiver instructor talking about training people for parachute jumps and the different behaviour from students. Nerves factor a lot as you would expect.

I did my first parachute jump at Otaki in 1980. These were solo jumps as the tandem thing hadn't started yet. We assembled in a hangar for instructions and were shown the correct way to put the chute on, what handles and toggles to hold and operate and how to fall and roll. Of course I said yes, yes when asked if I had got the instructions as I was impatient to just get on with it.

The instructor on the radio described things pretty much as I remember.

When finally I was up in the plane and stepped out of the door, holding onto the strut before launching myself off I was thinking "what do I do again?".

Luckily the main chute worked and I didn't have to remember how to engage the emergency chute and everything went fine. I remember an incredible sense of relief when the chute opened (noisily) and the calm, stillness and silence afterwards.


The Old Girl did her first parachute jump in the mid 1980s. Her friends made a video of it and she can be seen laughing all the time before and afterwards. Nerves I guess.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I did my first parachute jump about three months ago.
Now I regularly jump out each time I get killed and have to reboot in Fortnite.


Yes, well, we know that you live in another reality.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Being inside an aircraft is bad enough for me. Why would I want to get out while it's up there? I thought that's why they land.