Sunday 12 January 2020


.... is a bugbear of The Old Girl. She spends her work-time editing and rewriting CVs and proposals from engineers and when holding seminars tells them to put forward what they can do not what has been done.
"Promote the benefits not the features"  she says.
This 'lecturing' takes place at home as well where I guess she practises on me.

"Don't use passive language" she tells me if I say things like:

It just got lost.
It just got broken.
It must have fallen over - etc. 

I was reminded of this when emptying the dishwasher and a favourite glass of hers 'just got broken'.
No doubt I will be accused of breaking it on her return but I didn't break it. Honest. It just got broken.
Her answer of course will be that I didn't load the dishwasher properly and therefore I was at fault.

Sheesh! Living with women can be really hard.*

Robert, in his latest and probably soon to be deleted post laments how his wife berates him:

"Do you think I could find my 200 mg glass" she said " after I asked you to put it in the lower cupboard. That's why I don't let you do things for me, you don't do them right".

This I understand. Some favourite sayings of The Old Girl are:

If you want something done properly you have to do it yourself.
Did you look properly for it or did you look like a man?
Are you sure you vacuumed?
So that's how you load a dishwasher. Really?
Plus many more. 

* But, it is really worthwhile.


Richard (of RBB) said...

"* But, it is really worthwhile."

Is that a safety net just in case Lynn reads this post?

Personally, I don't take any nonsense from Shelley.*

* because she is so easy to live with and takes everything I say seriously


Of course it was a safety net.
I might be getting old and doddery but I'm not stupid.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

The trick is to make out you are stupid. They have both hemispheres of their brain for talking. Words are their main defence be it against our logic or superior reasoning skills or our superior physical strength.

They still have a sense of humour however. Appeal to that and your married life will much easier.

Richard (of RBB) said...

And then they go and have an abortion and upset our man rules. Women are funny.


Robert that's wrong on so many levels. You amaze me. You can add sexism and chauvinism to your portfolio.