Thursday, 11 June 2020


* What the 'man about town' wears in his city pad nowadays'.

I arrived in Wellington last night and, compared to up north where I normally live, found it to be a bit cool. Not 'cool' like the 'man about town' but cool as in temperature.

Today, when walking around the city, when stepping in shadows or into a cold wind I decided to buy some warmer clothes.
I don't want a lot of new clothes as quite frankly, like most people of my age, I've got enough to last me until I 'pop my clogs'. At home I get by 10 months of the year in shorts and T shirts so don't want a lot of extra, warm stuff. I was looking for some warmish track pants - ones that can be worn both indoors and outdoors. I was a bit disappointed at the selections I saw in the three or four shops I visited. To be fair I was visiting the budget end of the market or those stores that mark ordinary stuff uP ridiculously highly and then discount back by 50%. Nothing suited so tomorrow or on the weekend I'll go to some higher quality shops.

I did find though, in Farmers, some 'lounge pants' and matching shirt. Up north I have 'house pants' that I wear in winter. These are a wool/cotton blend in tartan that are just the thing and don't look too out of place if you wear them outside to the letterbox or to put the rubbish out. I draw the line at going shopping in town though as they have a loose and rather dodgy fly.

The ones I found today are the Mazzoni brand.

They are 60% cotton (the rest being some synthetic crap) and are a nice navy blue. That's not me modelling them above but I imagine that I won't look any different. Anyway, who cares as I won't be going out in them.

The top is also navy blue and in the same material.

Again, not me, and certainly not after the severe haircut I got today.

Now some of you might ask why the items weren't sold and advertised together. I will then remind them that THESE ARE NOT BLOODY PYJAMAS.


1 comment:


Richard set the trend for wearing old man slippers when out in public. Do you want me to go against that?