Sunday 14 June 2020


The weirdest thing happened early this morning.

No, it wasn't Richard's call at 9AM although that was weird enough, with him offering the 'famous bass bag tour of Wellington'. I've fallen into that trap before and had to discourage The Old Girl from accepting. The nearest way to describe this is being kidnaped by Muslim extremists in Beirut and driven around for hours looking at places that resembled bomb sites. Beware!

No, this weird thing happened at 5:19AM.
We went to see a late film at The Embassy last night and, by the time we went to bed it was after midnight. The usual rambling Wellington idiots screeched and yelled from Courtenay Place, Manners and Dixon streets and even in our lane for a while but we must have been asleep by 2AM.

We were awoken at 5:19 by a very strange rattling. I turned the light on to see that a framed picture on the bedroom wall was visibly moving, rattling against the wall.

I said to The Old Girl that there was an earthquake coming, but the picture was the only thing moving. I went to the other bedroom, on the other side of the wall in case some intruder was there, but the room was empty. Back in our bedroom the picture was still rattling so I took it off the wall.
The 3M picture hook was loose and about to detach itself from the wall.

The picture must have been slipping, mm by mm down and bumping the wall but doing so continuously and almost violently.

I had been awoken from a dream in which a friend who died last year featured. In it, when I saw him sitting in my lounge I greeted him saying "Mate - it's good to see you alive". Then I woke up.

OK, just a coincidence but these things can be creepy. See: WAKE UP CALL



Thanks to my grammar adviser for some minor corrections to spelling in this post. You know who he is.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes. Me.

Richard (of RBB) said...

My job here is done.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...


Richard (of RBB) said...


