Monday 6 September 2021


* Not a reference to this post that I wrote a long tome ago : LIKE PICKING SCABS

No, it references my previous post and the one before that, that links to the Religious Curmudgeon looking at the silly things that christians and devotees of other religions do and say.

Unfortunately there is no shortage of material that triggers my umbrage.

Robert, Richard's brother and occasional member of this little blogging community, when he does blog and comment, manages to continue the tradition of espousing silly and dangerous diatribes in the name of his religion and makes no attempt to sensibly and logically back them up with facts other than to say that his faith gives him certitude.

Here's (one of) his latest, in a comment on Richard's latest post (Richard's Bass Bag).

"Rugby is a silly game in which grown men pursue a profit by pretending they represent a country which is happy to kill the unborn."

This was in response to  a comment I made to remind Richard that New Zealand was to be playing against Australia soon  in the third Bledisloe Cup match.

I don't agree with Robert on his, and his church's view on abortion and know that he and they don't accept that a woman has the right of choice for things to do with her body whether they be abortion, contraception or other wise. I do accept though that Robert can have these opinions and should be able to express them in sensible debate that is relevant and correct in its context.

Making a silly statement like he did though, that basically suggests that he turns his back on the country he lives in because the law of the land is at odds with his belief (or, more correctly the belief of the church he blindly follows) is really dumb. I mean, which country will he support that is as democratic and fair to its citizens as this one ? I think he will find that ones that have their laws and constitutions bound up with archaic christian thinking are those that don't offer civil liberties and freedoms to its citizens, particularly if they are women.

In a sports context, I have no problem with his comment - if he'd left out the "kill the unborn " part. He doesn't have to like rugby. I only watch test level rugby where NZ are playing. I don't watch any other rugby, or soccer, or rugby league or American sports and there are few things that I do follow. That's his choice and it's my choice.

I know that I shouldn't react and, when I do, it's like picking scabs.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I enjoy watching rugby. Probably because I've watched it (and played it in younger days) for most of my long life. I do like how rugby players seem to have become more sensitive and maybe less macho. I don't think that having rugby games interferes with the rights of women. If it did, I would stop watching rugby. I guess I'd be more concerned about older men telling women what they can or cannot do with their bodies. I grew up in a Catholic environment and wish I hadn't. Fortunately my parents were same.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Same = sane